DIY Stickers // How to Make Stickers

9:36 AM

I've always been a sticker fanatic. I have a HUGE collection of stickers I've built since I was three. However, I never really thought about making my own- until I came across an artist who made their artwork into stickers; then it all clicked. I needed to know how I could make custom stickers without going online and buying them wholesale. After a little research, I found the answer- and it's really easy! I am going to show you two ways you can make your own stickers at home!

1st Method: Sticker Paper



The easiest way to make custom stickers is with sticker paper. This method not only proved to be the simplest and quickest way, but it also looks the best. I got my sticker paper from Michael's craft store for about $14, which I thought was a bit expensive at first, but that was before I realized that I can make a lot of stickers out of just one sheet.

Okay, so the first step is to grab your computer and open up a Word document. If you don't have Microsoft word, any similar software should work just fine. 

 After opening a document, you are going to select "Insert Photo" and choose which photo you want to make into a sticker.

Then, you are going to align and scale the photos so that you can get as many as possible onto one sheet. Try to use up all the space so that none of the sticker paper goes to waste.

After you have filled your document with photos, then select "Print" or hit "Command + P" if you are using a Mac. Under "Presets" make sure that you change it from "Default Settings" to "Photo Paper;" otherwise, the picture quality will suffer. 

After you make sure everything looked good and is on the right setting, go ahead and print.

After printing, cut out the images, and you are done! You have a full page of awesome, customized stickers!

2nd Method: Tape



Similar to the first method, you are going to open a Word document, choose the images you wish to make into stickers, add them to the document, then scale and align them to your liking. Afterword, you are going to print them on regular paper on Default Settings.

You are then going to cut the images out and get your wax paper and tape ready.

So, I didn't have any wax paper handy, and I forgot to get some while I was at the craft store so I ended up reusing the sticker sheet from a ugly bumper sticker I was never going to use, but still had in my collection for some reason. As long as the paper you are using is somewhat waxy or slick enough so that tape can be easily peeled off from it, you can use it.

Ideally, you want to get that thick, clear packing tape so that you stickers can look better, but again, I didn't have that and I didn't think to get it while I was at the craft store. Therefore, I ended up using regular clear tape and aligning them so that it covers a portion of the sheet. This is going to serve as the bottom layer of your sticker.

After that, you place your image on top of that first layer of tape, then align tape on top of the image so that it is secured on top of the first layer. What you are suppose to do is use clear packing tape so you can avoid the lines that are created when overlapping the thin tape. As you can see with my creation, there is a line where I placed the second strip of tape on top of Togepi's eye... or maybe you can't see it, but it's there. So make sure you use thick tape that will cover your entire sticker!

After you've completed that second layer, then you can cut our your image, making sure that you cut a little outside the image so that the two layers will stick together.

After that, you are done! You can peel off your sticker form the wax paper and stick it on whatever you wish! 

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