Get Ready With Me // Vintage Look
5:43 PM
Hey there, it's Krystal Everdeen.
Today I will be sharing my "Get Ready With Me"... routine? My "Getting Ready Routine"? Whatever it's called, I am going to share with you how I typically get ready and how I style my new rounded Firmoo glasses.
A kind representative from Firmoo contacted me about receiving a free pair of glasses in return for a video/ review of the glasses. I have worked with this brand before, and was surprisingly pleased with their products! Their glasses are super affordable, look good, and are actually of pretty good quality! I mean, I am not a glasses expert, but in my experience, I find these to be well worth the cost. Each pair goes for around $20- $30 as oppose to $100+ anywhere else.
I chose this pair in particular because I've always enjoyed rounded glasses, my favorite pair of sunglasses are the rounded RayBan glasses, and now I am excited to have a perception pair of a similar design! Plus, they look so Harry Potter-y!
Okay, so let's get into my routine. Honestly, I get ready very quickly- and this is for a day when I actually want to look presentable. If I wrote about my actual everyday routine, it would be: Get up, use restroom, brush teeth, put t-shirt and jeans on, put my hair in a bun, eat a cereal, and I'm out the door... No makeup, hair-doing, or anything. But alas, that is super boring (and possibly unspeakable to some of you who spend at least an hour just on makeup), so I will talk about what I do on a day I am either going to a gathering/ casual party/ date with the bf or I'm filming a video.
So, same to what I mentioned above, I get up, check Instagram, use the restroom, brush my teeth, then put my outfit on. For this video and blog post, I chose a vintage inspired outfit this time because I felt that it fit the vibe of the new glasses - plus, I had just gone to the thrift shop the day before and got this really cute white turtleneck. Also, if you didn't already know, I made a video about getting ready with me, which is probably more entertaining, so please check it out if you'd like!
After changing in my outfit of the day, I wand my hair using my new 1'' ceramic wand from L'ange Hair. I really like this wand, not only because it looks awesome, but it works great! My hair has always been frizzy and confused over deciding whether it wants to be wavy or straight, so what I have is a mess of hair- a mess I say! However, after wanding my hair, it looks better and even feels better. I don't know how it gets rid of the frizz, but I sure am grateful for it.
I don't always use heat protectant on my hair when I wand it - although I totally should - and my hair still comes out looking silky and healthy! I would have never thought that hair would look and feel better after heat styling it (aka damaging it) but maybe it has something to do with the barrel being made of ceramic? Anyway, after wanding my hair, which only takes about 10-15 minutes, I move on to makeup, which takes even less time.
My favorite skincare product of the moment definitely has to be this Burt's Bees Dark Spot Corrector. I broke out really bad last summer and am left with the scars. This breakout was very strange, because normally I have rather clear skin and only get a couple pimples here and there from time to time. However, it was like I was being attacked by blemished, as they all clustered together at my cheeks. One would go away, then another would immediately form. I had no idea what was going on and was stressing about it- which probably made it worse. Ultimately, the breakouts stopped and I started being extra careful about keeping my hair away from my cheeks, hands away form my face, and pillow sheets clean. It's been over 8 months, and I have not experienced that again (Thank Goodness) but I am still trying my best to treat the dark spots left behind. After using this product 2-3 times a day, as well as a bit of Rose Hips Oil at night, the dark spots have faded drastically. They have changed from a dark pigment, to a reddish color, which still doesn't look great, but is a huge improvement and easy covered with a light layer of powder.
My makeup routine is very simple. After applying my Burt's Bees product, I wait for it to dry, then use a light powder and fluffy brush to cover my blemishes and red spots. Then, I curl my eyelashes and put on some E.L.F lip stain until my lips are saturated with red pigment. That's it! I never saw the need to pack on layer after layer of makeup, especially because I am terrified of clogging my pores or having a bad reaction to the makeup and breaking out. For the most part, my skin looks good, and I have no intention of putting on so much makeup that I'm unrecognizable afterword.
After that, I put on my glasses, eat a quick breakfast, grab my stuff, and go! Again, not much to it, but it's real. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and have fun browsing through the products I use. Hopefully you find a really awesome pair of glasses from Firmoo, or get the wand you've always wanted from L'ange, or even try out Burt's Bees as a means of treating your dark spots as well. None of the brands sponsored this post whatsoever, I just genuinely like them and wanted to share this with you. Thanks for reading, hope to see you again next time!
𝓀𝓇𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓁 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓃
I loved this video and your Hogwarts one!! <3